So, we've been married 7 months... and we love it!
I saw this quote the other day and thought I'd share it with you (whoever
you are):
"Grace is not simply leniency when we have sinned. Grace is the enabling gift of God not to sin. Grace is power, not just pardon." ~John Piper
As I was thinking about this, and what it means for me in everyday life.. it really puts the "Amazing" in Amazing Grace!
On another note (well, not really, grace is the reason we're even alive- but I think you know what I mean)-- my sister-in-law, Rhea, is getting married in 33 days! Yay for Rhea and Dave!
Also, some of my closest friends are finishing up college, forever, and I'm so excited for them! And that I might actually be able to spend time with them again and they won't always be studying.. until the NCLEX that is... love you Kris, Jess, and Erin!